Mission Manila 2016

13 People, One goal , One Mission, 5 area crusades. 1 Main Crusade.. Hundreds filled with the Holy Ghost. and Many more healed .

Mission Manila 2017

In 2017 We held the very first Declare Worship Workshop over 1000 people registered. We had guest from Indiana Bible college as part of the team. IBC Praise featured guest along with Jason and Stephanie and Granland Gallion. 48 people, Including Pastors from , Texas, Ohio, Louisiana, Florida.

Declare Worship Workshop

20 Clinicians three days,30+ sessions. two special services, two evening concerts ,over 1000 people registered. This was a power packed time of spiritual impartation and learning. our Goal is to have a Workshop every Two years.

Mission Manila 2018

Manila, Baguio, Palawan Philippines

Mission Impact Team Australia 2019

Sydney Australia