Welcome To Mission Impact Team

Mission Impact Team is an organization that was formed on the basis of Humanitarian needs that effect the world. Substance Abuse, Quality Medical Needs and Homeless Children,  these issues are not relegated to a certain part of the World, it touches every part of society. We realize this is a large segment of the world we live in but if we can make the difference in the life of just ONE person it would make the effort worth while.

Mission Impact Team is not around one certain personality or any individual it is around a common purpose, To show HOPE to others.

We invite you to be a part of a world changing effort, In countries around the world , Asia , South America, and Europe. it is a life changing experience, to visit these countries and see the smile of a Child and the approval of an adult who's fellow countryman is in need. You can be involved in one or many ways. Please follow the link below for more information.

Since 2013

Substance Abuse Help

Drug and substance abuse rehabilitation assistance from teaching , life coaching and Life source funding. Our Goal is to help individuals break the difficult task of substance abuse.

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Medical Missions

Medical Clinic Services, Mission Impact Team connects healthcare volunteers with the Mission that needs them, giving quality screening and health care clinics to area of the wold thats are desperately in need.

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Forgotten Children

Feeding the children that are homeless or displace.

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We who went to give, came home FULL...convinced that what God was doing in the Philippines, He could do in America. -

Pastor Robert Eades


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Follow this Link for more information to volunteer or to become a supporter of Mission Impact team.